Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So, after much encouragement by my husband, friends, and coworkers… I have started a blog!!! I am not sure if they think other people would be eager to hear what I have to say? or they are just tired of listening? Either way I am ecstatic to get started!!! Right now I am a full time graduate student, working a full time job, and working as an intern (20+hrs a week). Needless to say I am a little stretched for time. But have no fear, post here will pick up when I get my life back :)

I am sure some of you are like Steph… or Nikki … what’s with the name?! Well my name is Stephanie and my nick name is Nikki!!! There are so many people in my life who refer to me as one or the other that I refuse to choose!!! So for the purpose of blogging and tweeting I am STEPHNIKKI BB!

Sooo now that that’s out of the way, still one question seems to be lingering…. Why CONSCIOUS KINKS AND CURLS????? Thank you.. I am so glad you asked. (lol) I am a very CONSCIOUS person, sometimes almost to a fault.  Just so you can see where I am headed, but definitely not to insult your intelligence, conscious is mainly being aware of your thought, feelings, and surroundings. I firmly believe that people go throughout life unCONSCIOUS. Like robots. So caught up in the day to day that they literally might as well have been sleep because nothing affected them. They are numb! Nothing makes them angry, nothing makes them happy. Nothing moves them because they are unCONSCIOUS! So I pride myself in being aware, in tune with  myself, my environment, my community, my family….
It is my life's goal to ensure that the world will be different because I was here.

The KINKS and CURLS refers to my hair. Going natural has definitely changed my life! It is a journey, a bumpy road… but one that I walk with pride! (PUMPED MY FIST IN THE AIR.) I will definitely be sharing details soon and often!!!

Just a couple of things to help make reading easier: I love punctuation! I am naturally a very animated person, so I will use punctation to aid and covey how I am feeling. So english teachers beware. :(  I also am using this blog as an outlet and love to hear other peoples opinions so feel free to share! Believe me I am not doing this just to “hear myself talk, “ although I do love the sound of my voice! LOL Last but definitely not least… I am not an authority on the topics in which I speak! I am merrily ejecting my thoughts and opinions into everyday life and I appreciate you joining me!!!
Thanks for visiting!

TTYS, enjoy living CONSCIOUSly cause unCONSCIOUS living is not sexy!!!


  1. I love this Steph...I fist pump you for taking the stand on starting the blog...I plan to start one this summer, until then I will follow you like krazy.....XOXO

  2. I am looking forward to reading your blog! I love that you are a conscious person and I hope to be inspired by your thoughts and writings. I am so lucky to have people like you in my life.
    (side comment) My blog hasn't been updated since last September. I hope to get back to it soon. You are loved!

  3. Congratualtions Nikki on the blog and thank you for following Lifestyles of the Queenly and Confident (http://zakiyaskyles.wordpress.com) There is freedom in blogging and I am happy we have this tool to share our passions. The best in blogging!

